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Chinese Words10-[XMandarin Chinese Course]

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变 / 变化

Both 变and 变化indicate a change and can all be translated as “to change” in English ,but their connotations are different and have different usage.

这两个词都表示变化,也都能英译为“to change”,但其含义和用法都有不同的地方。

变and 变化are used to indicate any changes. Big or small ,whether in appearance or in substance. As such, they can be applied to people and things. Whether concrete or abstract. Of the two, 变is more colloquial. Which stresses the changed state or sometimes the frequency of change, whereas 变化is slightly more formal and, since 化in 变化indicates “to transform”, the expression emphasis the changing process per se. Therefore, if the specific direction of a change is known, 变tends to be used; if the direction of the change is unknown or if the process of the change itself is emphasized, then one is inclined to use 变化. So 天气变暖以后,我们去郊游(tiān qì biàn nuǎn yǐ hòu, wǒ men qù jiāo yóu)(We’ll go outing after the weather turns warmer)indicates that our outing will take place only when the weather condition has become warmer, whereas 这些天天气变化很快(zhè xiē tiān tiān qì biàn huà hěn kuài) (These days the weather has been quite changeable)emphasizes the process of the quick changes in the weather condition these days. As another example. 情况变了(qíng kuàng biàn le)(The situation has changed)implies the fact that one has to face the changed situation, whereas 情况发生了变(qíng kuàng fā shēng le biàn huà)(Changes have taken place in terms of the situation)draws attention to the change itself and let people wait to see the consequence afterwards. In all these cases, the two words are generally not interchangeable with each other.


· 暑假过后,大家都发现她变了一个人了。

shǔ jiǎ guò hòu, dà jiā dōu fā xiàn tā biàn le yī gè rén le.

(After the summer vacation, everyone has found that she has been changed entirely.)


yī qiē shì wù dōu zài fā zhǎn biàn huà zhōng.

(Everything is developing and changing.)

变and 变化are mostly used intransitively, for the objects they can take as transitive verbs are quite limited. However, 变often goes together with auxiliaries 得, 成or 为to form compounds 变得, 变成and变为respectively, which can then take a more variety of objects as their complements. Note ,however, that 变得should be followed by adjectives, adverbs or phrases, elements showing complements of degree because of 得; 变成and 变为, on the other hand, are normally followed by a noun or a noun phrase as their resultative complements to mean“to change into”变为can also take the form of 变X为Y, for 变化, it can also serve as a noun.

“变”与“变化”大多作不及物动词用,因为它们作及物动词用的宾语很有限。但是“变”常与助词“得”“成”或“为”连用,分别组成合成词“变得”“变成” “变为”,这样就可带更多宾语作为补语了。要注意,“变得”因为“得”的要求,所以其后应跟形容词、副词或词组这样一些表示程度补语的成分,而“变成”与“变为”则一般带名词或名词词组做结果补语,以表示“to change into”的意思。“变为”还可取“变X为Y”的形式,如“变废为宝”。至于“变化”,则可作为名词使用。


lǐ wěi chū yuàn yǐ hòu ,biàn dé yòu jiàn kāng yòu cōnɡ minɡ ,wǒ jué de tā biàn chéng lìng wài yī gè rén le 。

(After Li Wei went out of the hospital, he has become both healthy and bright; I feel he has turned into a different person.)


wǒ men yīng gāi yóu bèi dòng biàn wéi zhǔ dòng 。

(We should take the initiative rather than waiting to respond passively.)


zhōng guó de jīng jì gǎi gé dài lái le jù dà de biàn huà 。

(Great changes have been brought about by the economic reforms in China.)

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