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幸福 / 高兴 / 快乐
“幸福”is used to describe the happy family life and good relationship between lovers, which is a feeling that can last for a long time, but“高兴”may refer to a temporary emotion caused by a slight event like getting a favorite present. For example:
zhǐ yào néng kàn kàn tā de xiào liǎn, tā jiù huì jué de hěn xìng fú, hěn mǎn zú.
tā shǐ wǒ zhī dao ài yǔ bèi ài de xìng fú.
dé dào lǎo shī de kuā jiǎng, wǒ xīn li hěn gāo xìng.
zuò shàng qù běi jīng de huǒ chē, yī jiā sān kǒu dōu fēi cháng gāo xìng.
“快乐”shows the feeling of satisfaction and happiness,which is a psychology status, and is often a long-term feeling.
Compared with the two words “高兴”and “幸福”, “快乐”is a feeling mostly depends on subjective reasons like the character of a person. But“高兴”and“幸福”are feelings mainly caused by objective reasons. For example:
cóng cǐ yǐ hòu, wáng zǐ hé gōng zhǔ kuài lè dì shēng huó zài yī qǐ.
mǎn jiē dōu shì kuài lè de hái zi.
xiǎo wáng shì gè kuài lè de nián qīng rén.
★ “快乐”常用在祝福语中。
“快乐”is often used to express wishes. For example:
zhù nǐ yǒng yuǎn kuài lè, yǒng yuǎn xìng fú!
zhù nǐ shēnɡ ri kuài lè.
xīn nián kuài lè!
充分 / 充足
充分means “sufficient”, “ample” and “abundant” and it is usually used for abstract things such as 理由(lǐ yóu)(eason), 准备(zhǔn bèi)(preparation), 估计(gū jì) (estimation), 信心(xìn xīn)(confidence) or发展(fā zhǎn)(development), etc, Different from both 充足, 充分can also serve as an adverb, meaning to try one’s best to do certain things.
充足, on the other hand, indicates adequacy and sufficiency mostly in concrete terms, or things enough to meet a practical need. It is often used for concrete and specific things such as 光线(light), 水分(water), 粮食(food), or 养料(nutrition), etc. Note, however, that both 充足and 充分 can be used with 理, e.g. 充足的理由and 充分的理由。Although both of them can perhaps be translated as “sufficient reason”, there is really a subtle difference between the two expressions in their connotations: the former simply indicates that there are enough reasons to meet the needs, whereas the latter emphasizes the completeness or sufficiency of the reason in its persuasion, For example, there might be five possible reasons for one to argue for some funding, one can say 充足的理由, if on the other hand, one has found one crucial reason which is sufficient for one’s argument ,then one may say 充分的理由.
“充足“则多半是从具体事物的角度来表示足够,表示在数量上已能满足实际需要,常用于个别具体的事物,如“光线”、“水分”、“粮食”、“养料”等。注意“充足”和“充分”都可用于修饰“理由”(如:充足的理由,充分的理由)。虽然两者也许都可英译为“sufficient reason”,但在含义上有些许微妙的不同。前者只是说明有足够多的理由来满足需要,而后者侧重于表示理由本身的完备性和富足性。比如说:可能有五个理由可用于申请一项研究基金,要是列举了是哪个已足够可申请经费,则可以说有“充足的理由”,另一方面,要是只列举了一个理由,但却是个关键的理由,足以用于论辩,则可说“充分的理由”。
zhè ér yáng guāng chōng zú.
(There is plenty of sunlight here.)
zhè suǒ xué yuàn yǒu chōng zú de jiào yù jīng fèi.
(This college has sufficient funds for education.)
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