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Chinese Words6-[XMandarin Chinese Course]

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Adjective such as 大and 小,are normally used to modify these three terms:年纪大/小(nián jì dà xiǎo )(old/young age),年龄大小(nián líng dà xiǎo)(old/young age)or 岁数大/小(suì shu dà xiǎo)(old/young age)。But note that one cannot say 年纪高(nián jì gāo) nor年龄轻(nián líng qīng)。One can say ,however ,年纪轻(nián jì qīng)(young age),as in他年纪轻轻就被癌症夺去了生命(tā nián jì qīng qīng jiù bèi ái zhèng duó qù le shēng mìng)(He died of cancer at a very young age).Additionally , it is not acceptable to say上了年龄(shàng le nián líng),but should say 上了年纪( shàng le nián jì)(to be advanced in age).Besides ,年纪and岁数,but not 年龄,are often used to ask of old people’s age:您今年多大年纪/岁数?(nín jīn nián duō dà nián jì suì shu ?)((How old are you this year?),Note also the usage of these words in the following:
tā xiǎo xiǎo nián jì jiù xué chōu yān ,zhēn bù yīng gāi !
(He really shouldn’t learn to smoke at such a young age!)
tā nián jì nián líng suì shu bù xiǎo le ,yīng gāi kǎo lǜ jié hūn le 。
(She is not young anymore and should consider getting married.)
suī rán wǒ yé ye yǐ jing shàng le nián jì suì shu le ,dàn hái měi tiān chū qù duàn liàn 。
(Although my grandpa is already quite old ,he still goes out to do exercise everyday.)
Besides,年纪can be used both in spoken and written language, and 岁数is only used in colloquial speech ,whereas年龄sounds more formal and is therefore often reserved on some formal occasions such as in one’s resume or one’s cv.
zhè hái zi zhè me xiǎo de nián jì nián líng suì shu jiù shàng dà xué ,zhēn bù jiǎn dān !
(This kid went to the college at such a young age, That’s really marvelous!)
  tā hái bù dào jié hūn nián líng 。
(He has not yet reached the age for marriage.)
Furthermore ,年纪and岁数are normally not used to refer to the age of non-humans, but年龄can be used to refer to the life of plants, animals or other things:
再者,“年纪”和“岁数”一般不用来指人以外的事物生存的年数,但 “年龄”却可以表示动植物及其他事物的年岁。
Both nouns here are used to express time.后来indicates a period of time after a past event or after a certain point of time in the past and it doesn't include the present time.以后,on the other hand ,simply refers to a period of time after a certain point of time or after a certain event ,whether the time point is in the past, the present or even the future. Therefore ,the distinction between the two nouns expressing time is as follows:
1:Whereas 以后can be used alone or after a noun, noun phrase, verb phrase or a clause ,后来can only be used alone.
5 yuè yǐ hòu ,wǒ yào qù zhōng guó 。
 gōng zuò jié shù yǐ hòu zài gěi tā dǎ diàn huà.
(Call her after you finish your work .)
 tā qù nián gěi wǒ lái guò yī fēng xìn ,yǐ hòu hòu lái yī zhí méi lái xìn 。
(He wrote me a letter last year and hasn’t written one ever since)
2:As the definitions for the two terms indicate ,以后can refer to the past ,the present as well as the future ,whereas 后来only indicates the past .That is why in some of the above sentences ,以后can be substituted with 后来,because they narrate the past time and events.
3:Both words can be used as modifiers of a noun with their implications of time retained ,Besides ,后来can be used with the preposition 到,whereas 以后often appears in expressions such as 从此以后 (cóng cǐ yǐ hòu)(hereafter),自那以后(zì nà yǐ hòu)(since then,thereafter)or 这/那以后(zhè nà yǐ hòu)(after this/that),etc.
hòu lái yǐ hòu de qíng kuàng wǒ jiù bù zhī dao le 。
(What happened later I don’t know.-referring to the past指过去)
tā zǒu zhī hòu zhī lái guò yī fēng xìn ,dào hòu lái lián yī diǎn xiāo xi dōu méi yǒu le 。
(After he left, he wrote me only one letter; and later on ,there wasn’t any news from him at all.)

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