
It is said that Tiger became the king of all beasts because he so effectively dominated
the mountain and all the other animals. Other beasts would try to avoid Tiger the
moment they saw him, Tiger was quite proud of himself for this, but somehow, he also
felt lonely.
One day, Tiger accidentally fell into a hunter’s net. Just he was struggling down in the
hole trying to get out of the net, Monkey walked by. He helped him out of the dangerous
net, but Tiger was worried that the Monkey would tell the public about the rescue and it
might damage his prestige as the king of all beasts. He thought of killing the monkey,
but then he said to himself: “If I kill monkey, I would lose the only friend I’ve just made.”
Tiger told Monkey that he would return the favour in the future.
Later, when the King of Heaven chose zodiac animals, tiger was chosen naturally
because he was the king of all beasts. Monkey asked if Tiger could endorse him to the
King of Heaven as well. To return the favour, Tiger was able to help get Monkey included
on the list of zodiac animals.
一天,老虎不幸落入了猎人的网中,此时猴子恰好路过,连忙解开网绳, 救出了老虎。老虎脱险后,担心猴子把此事宣扬出去,有损自己的威望,决定杀掉猴子。可是转念一想,如果杀掉猴子,就连一个朋友也没有了。于是老虎告诉猴子,今天的救命之恩,今后一定报答。
wǒ měi gè xīng qī zhǐ yǒu liǎng gè xiǎo shí xué xí hàn yǔ ,hóu nián mǎ yuè cái néng liú lì dì yòng hàn yǔ gēn rén jiāo liú ne?
I only have two hours to study Chinese every week, “hóu nián mǎ yuè”can I communicate
with others in fluent Chinese?
hóu nián mǎ yuè 猴年马月
This idiom means there is no specific date or deadline for an on-going matter. It also
indicates that something is unlikely to be accomplished. It is of no clue where or how
this idiom was created, some people believe that it’s derived from 何年嘛月(hé nián hé nián),
which literally mean “what year (and) what month”, an expression in the Tianjin dialect.