We are back! Fushan is cleaned!
The crisp mountain air refreshed our students this Saturday as we climbed up Fushan for our second Climb and Clean event.
We broke out the trash bags, put on some gloves, and heaved up a mountain to preserve the mountain’s serenity. Students also learned these fresh new words for their Chinese vocabulary:
Gloves 手套 shǒutào
Garbage bags 垃圾袋 lājīdài
Climb the mountain 爬山 páshān
Fresh Air 新鲜空气 xīnxiān kōngqì
It was early and we were all energized when we left. By the time we finished, we were beat, yet fulfilled as we had just got our hands dirty for a good cause. After meeting at the XMandarin office, we hopped on a bus (the most environmentally-friendly way to travel) and headed toward the base of the mountain!
▲ Our team is assembled and ready for duty!

▲ Spirits were high at the beginning of the mountain.

▲ The path turned to dirt, but our spirits didn’t as we climbed further.

▲ We spread out to find more trash as we ascended to the top.

▲ Erwin making sure he finds every bit he can.

▲ We got closer to the top, but it wasn’t over yet!

▲ The team stood atop the rocks looking down on the now-clean mountain.

▲ With love, from XMandarin!

▲ Some teachers and students still smiling after all their hard work!

▲ Have a chat after a long day of environmental heroism!

▲ The entire group at the top of the mountain with their day’s bounty.