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成语故事 (chény yǔ gù shì) Idioms

Fixing the sheepfold after a sheep has been killed 亡羊补牢



Learning Chinese wng yng bǔ lo 亡羊补牢 In ancient times, there was no such thing as the five cereals or crops in the human world. One autumn long ago, a sheep came to the human world from the Palace of Heaven and found human beings to...[view details]

To quench one’s thirst by looking up at plums 望梅止渴



曹操是中国历史上闻名杰出的军事家。 一天,他在赤日下山区行军,迷失了路径,烈日当头而路途又遥远,士兵们在长时间的疲劳行军后,口渴难耐。于是众人都对曹操的领导表示不满...[view details]

Be there just to make up the number 滥竽充数



滥竽充数 战国时,齐宣王喜欢听竽,通常是三百人的大合奏。因为他给予乐师非常优厚的待遇,所以一个叫南郭的人尽管并不擅长吹竽,也设法混进乐队。当乐队演奏 时,他就站在队...[view details]

Last touch added to a drawing 画龙点睛



画龙点睛 有一次,著名艺术家张僧繇在金陵安乐寺墙壁上画了四条龙,故意没有把眼睛画上。有人问他不画眼睛的道理,他说:我如果把眼睛画上,那龙就要飞走 了。 问他的不相信,...[view details]

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