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Be a winer

What makes ones person successful and another person not? How is it that seemingly educated, talented and skilled people fail while those who seem to possess very little of those qualities become successful? There is a reason why people become successful-it isn ‘t an accident. The answer can be summed up in one word, Attitude! Attitude is everything, and it alone can make the difference betweenf failure and success .

One of the most notable attitUdes of successful people is that they value learning. What is your attitude about learning? Are you already an expert in your field, or do you thirst to know more? Do you see yourself as a life-long student seeking to learn and improve, or are you satisfied with what you already know? Do you strive to move ahead, or are you content with where you are?

One inspiring example of a life-long learner is “Jogoro Kano”, the founder of the martial art of judo, which he created by modifying and improving on the martial art of jujitsu. Kano’s success in life was his ability to learn a nd improve techniques, not only in the field of martial arts, but in many different areas of life-including the education of Japanese youth.

0ne would think that such a well respected authority in the field of ludo would consider himself to be an expert.

Amazingly, he did not! On his death bed, his last wish to his student was to be buried, not in a black belt,but in a white one ( the belt symboliZing a beginner-one who had much to learn)

Succesful people value learning. Be one!

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