Learn Chinese Dialect

Live in Qingdao, Learn Qingdao dialect
There are plenty of words in Qingdaohua that are quite different from Putonghua,the Standard
Mandarin dialect spoken by most Chinese.But learning even a few words of Qingdaohua will
help you to know more about the locals and even better understand the culture of the city.So to
help get you started,here are some common examples of Qingdao dialect for you to
practice: 小嫚儿xiǎo yuān ér means“little girl”or“young lady”小哥儿xiǎo gē ér means“young man”.
1、gǔ lì gài ér 古力盖儿//Manhole cover
This word originates from“gully”,which means“sewer”in German, Germans have had a huge
impact on road related vocabulary as they helped to build the underground drainage system.
2、hā pí jiǔ,chī gá là 喝啤酒,吃蛤蜊//eat clams,drink beer
This probably the most famous phrases in Qingdaohua,and almost everybody in Qingdao will
know it,Beer and clam is the perfect match for Qingdao people.If you wants to show off some
Qingdaohua in front of your out-of-town friends ,make sure you say it right.
3、xī han yín 稀罕银//cute,adorable
If you see a baby in Qingdao and want to say something nice to his/her parents,you might want
to try this one.
例:这孩子怎么这么稀罕银!(zhè hái zi zěn me zhè me xī han yín!)which means“your baby is so
4、biāo zi 彪子// idiot,stupid person
This word is usually used to describe a person who does things irrationally or behaves badly
when something happens to them.He is such a biāo zi!(an idiot)
5、dāo dāo 叨叨// nagging
If you happen to have a friend who really likes to talk and talk,you may want him/her to
occasionally shut up. This word is mostly used between good friends or family members,to tell
them to stop talking or going on about the same thing.别叨叨了(bié dāo dao le)means“shut up
with this stuff!” Be careful using this term as if you use it on someone you’ve just met,you might
get yourself into trouble.