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Chinese Grammar-1

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Expression of the result of an act: the comple of result

The verb “wan, dong, jian, kai, shang, dao, gei, cheng” and the adjectives “hao, dui, cuo, zao, wan”, etc, can be placed after verbs as their complements to in dicate the result of an act.

The affirmative form: Verb + Verb/Adjective + le

The negative form: mei you + Verb + Complement of result + le

After the complement of a negative sentence, “le” is removed.

The affirmative-negative question form is “…le mei you?”

If a verb has both a complement of result and an object, the object is placed after the complement.

The aspect partical “le” is placed after the complement of result and before the object.



肯定式:动词 + 动词/形容词 + 了  例如:


否定式:没有 + 动词 + 结果补语  例如:


正反疑问句形式是:“……了没有?”  例如:


动词后边有结果补语又有宾语时,宾语要放在结果补语后边。  例如:


动态助词“了”要放在结果补语的后边,宾语的前边。  例如:



The complement of result: “shang, cheng, dao”

1)      “shang” as a complement of result

Indicate the contact of two or more things.

Indicate the adherence of one thing to another.

2)      “cheng” as a complement of result

“cheng” as a complement of result indicates the change brought about by an action or the transformation of one thing into another (caused by an actions). The result of which may be good or bad.

3)      “dao” as complement of result

Indicate the goal of an act has been reached.

Indicate that something has reached a place through an act (the object is a word denoting a place)

Indicate the time an action will continue to.




表示两个以上的事物接触到一起。  例如:关上门。

表示一事物附着在一事物上。  例如:你穿上这件毛衣。


表示动作使一事物成为另一事物,变化的结果可以是好的,也可以是不好的。  例如:“是不是”你总是说成“四不四”。


表示动作达到了目的。  例如:我找到王老师了。

表示通过动作使事物达到某处,宾语为处所词语。  例如:昨天我十点才回到家。

表示动作持续到某时间。  例如:星期六早上我睡到六点才起床。

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