
The tone change refers to the change that a tone undergoes in the pronouncing process,
including the change of the third tone,---and 不. You can come to Qingdao Chinese
mandarin school, learning the most pure Chinese here.
(1) the change of the third tone:when a character with the third tone is followed by
another third tone,the first should be change into the second tone.
for example:
nǐ hǎo(你好)----ní hǎo (hello)
hěn hǎo(很好)----hén hǒo(very good)
shǒu zhǐ(手指)-----shóu zhǐ(finger)
(2)when — is followed by a character whose tone is the first,second or third,it should take
the fourth tone. When it is followed by a character with the fourth tone, it should take the
second tone.
For example:
yī tiān (一天)-----yì tiān (one day)
yī nián(一年)----yì nián (one year)
yī zǎo(一早)-----yìzǎo(early morning)
yī dìng(一定)----yídìng (must)
(3)when不is followed by a character with the fourth tone,不should take the second tone.
For example
bù qù(不去)----bú qù(don’t go)
bù hùi (不会)----bú hùi(can’t)
(4)the neutral tone refers to a light and short tone resulting from a syllabus’ loss of its
original tone in a word or is used to differentiate meanings and parts of speech.
The neutral tone is said so in comparison with the stress.
For example
Jiějie(姐姐) wǒde(我的) nǐmen(你们)