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Chinese Grammer12-[XMandarin Chinese Course]

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会 / 能


The meaning and function of “会” and “能”are similar, so they are often confused with one another.


Both 会and 能express some kind of ability to do something.

※ “会”表示一个人经过学习以后得到的一种能力。如:

会refers to the ability that someone obtains after studying and learning. For example:

wǒ huì kāi fēi jī.


tā huì chàng hěn duō zhōng wén gē.

※ “能”表示能力达到的程度。要表示做这件事的水平怎么样,做得好不好,我们就用“能”来表示。如:

The word 能is used to describe the capability level, so 能might help us show whether the ability level is high or not. For example:


wǒ yī fèn zhōng néng dǎ gè zì.

※ “会”和“能”可以用在一个句子里。如:

We put 会and 能in a same sentence. For example:


wǒ huì yóu yǒng le, yī fèn zhōng néng yóu mǐ.


wǒ huì shuō hàn yǔ, ér qiě shuō dé bù cuò, néng gēn zhōng guó rén liáo tiān ne.


能can express if a given situation or action is permitted, but 会cannot express this meaning.


yóu yǒng chí xiū hǎo le, xiàn zài néng yóu yǒng le.


zài guò yī tiān, nǐ jiù néng jiàn dào tā le.


不会骑车and 不会游泳mean that I do not know how to ride a bike or swim because I never learned to do this before. But 不能骑车and 不能游泳mean that an external condition does not allow riding or swimming.


“弄”has multiple meanings. Many verbs can be replaced by the word “弄”, which is often used in oral Chinese.


A complement of result is often used after the verb “弄”,For example:


zì háng chē nòng huài le.


“弄”in the“把”sentence pattern.


yào shi wǒ diǎn hái méi qǐ chuáng, nǐ jiù bǎ wǒ nòng xǐng.


“弄”in the passive sentences:


lù yīn jī bèi tā nòng huài le.


The words “弄”can be followed by an object .It means to get something with effort.


wǒ nòng le yī píng hǎo jiǔ, zán men cháng cháng.


wǒ xiǎng gěi tā nòng yī diǎn ér qián dài zǒu.

★ “弄”常用于不好的情况,比如“弄脏、弄丢、弄坏、弄错、弄乱”的脖颈的等等。

“弄”is often used in the negative context, as “弄脏”、“弄丢”、“弄坏”、“弄错”and“弄乱”.

★ “弄得”后边也常常是不好的情况。

The words used after“弄得”normally have negative meanings, too. For example:


nǐ yī lái jiù fā huǒ, nòng dé dà jiā hěn bù gāo xìng.

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